Finishing enhances the sophisticated craftsmanship of the lightographer by giving shape to the product. It adds function and adornment and deliv- ers the product in a usable, convenient form. Without finishing (postpress), three would be no book, no relief, and no dimension.

The right package incorporates the best form, decoration, and distribution to convey your message. Postpress gives physical form to your message. It puts the finishing touches on design. Postpress also provides the Optimum distribution strategy. Your choices for postpress operations will make the difference between a book, folder, flyer, or carton that sells and one that sits.

Postpress has long been an afterthought of the printing process, but in real- ity is the most important step in the production of printing. It is the facet of production where a job that was handled perfectly in design, prepress, and press could be ruined. It is where the smallest of errors can result in the highest cost of correcting errors redesigning or reprinting the entire job. Hence, postpress is the printing production cost center requiring enormous accuracy and attention to details. In fact, the attention to postpress begins in the design phase of printing.

To give the best of finishing for the printed product. We have Horizon book- let maker, Perfect binder, Folding machine, Eye le ting machine, Saddle stitcher, Book sewing machine, Laminating machine, Foiling machine etc..
Digital & offset printing
Designing to finishing
We deliver what your printing needs!